Location : Home >> Movies >> Hardwired

Genre :

Science Fiction, Adventure, Action

Release :


Rating :

4.7 from Imdb

5.04 from Tmdb

Story :

After a tragic accident Luke Gibson is left with critical injuries and complete amnesia. A new technological breakthrough from the Hexx Corporation - a Psi-Comp Implant that's hardwired into Luke's brain - saves his life, but Luke soon finds out that this new technology comes with a price and that the Hexx Corporation harbors sinister plans for the new device.


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  • Director
    Ernie Barbarash
    Ernie Barbarash
    Executive Producer
    Brad Krevoy
    Executive Producer
    Lindsay MacAdam
    Executive Producer
    Brad Krevoy
    Executive Producer
    Lindsay MacAdam
    Fight Choreographer
    Steven McMichael
    Fight Choreographer
    Steven McMichael
    Kirk Shaw
    Kirk Shaw
    Stunt Double
    Janene Carleton
    Stunt Double
    Janene Carleton
