Location : Home >> Movies >> A Whisker Away

Genre :

Animation, Drama, Romance

Release :


Rating :

6.7 from Imdb

7.951 from Tmdb

Story :

Miyo "Muge" Sasaki is a peculiar second-year junior high student who has fallen in love with her classmate Kento Hinode. Muge resolutely pursues Kento every day, but he takes no notice of her. Nevertheless, while carrying a secret she can tell no one, Muge continues to pursue Kento. Muge discovers a magic mask that allows her to transform into a cat named Tarō. The magic lets Muge get close to Kento, but eventually it may also make her unable to transform back to a human.

A Whisker Away

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  • Art Direction
    Yusuke Takeda
    Art Direction
    Yusuke Takeda
    Color Designer
    Miho Tanaka
    Color Designer
    Miho Tanaka
    Junichi Sato
    Tomotaka Shibayama
    Junichi Sato
    Tomotaka Shibayama
    Mari Okada
    Mari Okada
