Location : Home >> Movies >> Ragnarok

Genre :

Action, Adventure

Release :


Rating :

5.9 from Imdb

5.6 from Tmdb

Story :

Archaeologist Sigurd Svendsen discovers that the Oseberg ship hides a secret from the Viking Age. Along with his two children put Sigurd out on a quest to find the truth. The mystery leads them into "No Man's Land" between Norway and Russia where no man traveling in modern times. Old runes take on new meaning when the secret they uncover is more frightening than anyone could have imagined.


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  • Costume Design
    Marie Flyckt
    Costume Design
    Marie Flyckt
    Mikkel Brænne Sandemose
    Mikkel Brænne Sandemose
    Director of Photography
    Daniel Voldheim
    Director of Photography
    Daniel Voldheim
    Roar Uthaug
    Roar Uthaug
    Script Editor
    Harald Rosenløw-Eeg
    Script Editor
    Harald Rosenløw-Eeg
    Sound Designer
    Christian Schaanning
    Sound Designer
    Christian Schaanning
    VFX Supervisor
    Arne Kaupang
    VFX Supervisor
    Arne Kaupang
