Location : Home >> Movies >> The Holiday

Genre :

Comedy, Romance

Release :


Rating :

6.9 from Imdb

7.1 from Tmdb

Story :

Two women, one from the United States and one from the United Kingdom, swap homes at Christmas time after bad breakups with their boyfriends. Each woman finds romance with a local man but realizes that the imminent return home may end the relationship.

The Holiday

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  • Casting
    Jane Jenkins
    Jane Jenkins
    Costume Design
    Marlene Stewart
    Costume Design
    Marlene Stewart
    Nancy Meyers
    Nancy Meyers
    Director of Photography
    Dean Cundey
    Director of Photography
    Dean Cundey
    Original Music Composer
    Hans Zimmer
    Original Music Composer
    Hans Zimmer
    Production Design
    Jon Hutman
    Production Design
    Jon Hutman
    J.J. Perry
    J.J. Perry
