Location : Home >> Movies >> Richard the Stork and the Mystery of the Great Jewel

Genre :

Animation, Adventure, Comedy

Release :


Rating :

5.1 from Imdb

7.2 from Tmdb

Story :

Richard, a sparrow adopted by a stork family, is wintering at the Great Lake in Northern Africa. When he realises that he won’t be the one to lead his flock back North, Richard decides to travel on his own and crosses paths with Samia and her sparrow flock, who are being held captive by evil marabous under the control of greedy peacock Zamano. The only chance of freedom for the sparrows is to solve a riddle and find the Great Jewel, which will call upon teamwork, trust and most of all- spork (sparrow + stork) skills.

Richard the Stork and the Mystery of the Great Jewel

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