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Genre :

TV Movie, Comedy, Romance

Release :


Rating :

5.7 from Imdb

5.7 from Tmdb

Story :

When editor Jane Grant receives a plus-one invitation to her cousin's wedding, she finds herself in a predicament. To one-up her old high school rival Natasha Nutley, Jane tells her about her perfect, charming and handsome boyfriend -- except he isn't real. Catching word of her "boyfriend," Jane's intrusive Aunt Ida demands he make an appearance at the wedding. Now, Jane must go on every date she can snag to find a man who fits the bill.

See Jane Date

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  • Director
    Robert Berlinger
    Robert Berlinger
    Executive Producer
    Frank von Zerneck
    Executive Producer
    Robert M. Sertner
    Executive Producer
    Frank von Zerneck
    Executive Producer
    Robert M. Sertner
