Location : Home >> Movies >> Missing

Genre :

Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Release :


Rating :

from Imdb

6.7 from Tmdb

Story :

When her mother disappears while on vacation in Colombia with her new boyfriend, June’s search for answers is hindered by international red tape. Stuck thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, June creatively uses all the latest technology at her fingertips to try and find her before it’s too late. But as she digs deeper, her digital sleuthing raises more questions than answers... and when June unravels secrets about her mom, she discovers that she never really knew her at all.


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  • 2018
    Casting Director
    Lindsey Weissmueller
    Casting Director
    Lindsey Weissmueller
    Executive Producer
    Timur Bekmambetov
    Executive Producer
    Timur Bekmambetov
    Sev Ohanian
    Aneesh Chaganty
    Natalie Qasabian
    Sev Ohanian
    Script Supervisor
    Shawn Tira
    Script Supervisor
    Shawn Tira
    Stunt Coordinator
    Paul Lacovara
    Stunt Coordinator
    Paul Lacovara
    Stunt Double
    Janeshia Adams-Ginyard
    Stunt Double
    Janeshia Adams-Ginyard
